● Aprendizaje-Servicio y Desarrollo Sostenible. Reflexiones y experiencias [Service-Learning and Sustainable Development. Reflections and experiences]. Coordinated by Isabel Gómez Villalba and Arantzazu Martínez-Odría. Edelvives publishing house. Several colleagues from the Ibero-American Service-Learning Network-REDIBAS (Spanish acronym) have collaborated on this publication. Those interested can acquire it here. It is a fundamental reading because of its subject matter, which enables us to link our topic with the Millennium Development Goals. In addition, it is a collaborative initiative between Network members from different countries that offer an Ibero-American perspective. It consists of 16 articles by professionals from different fields who are part of Higher Education institutions that work for sustainable development through education. The work brings together different views reflecting on the contribution of education to building global citizenship and sustainable development. The objective is to go beyond individual initiatives and create community networks that make possible the true social transformation that we need and desire to address the global emergency of our planet.
"Service-learning is one of the education pathways for the future," states UNESCO, in Reimagining our future together: a new social contract for education. We celebrate that an international body such as UNESCO reaffirms the importance of service-learning #SL as a path necessary for educational innovation.
Among other things, this important document comments:
Many of the most rewarding forms of education take place in environments enriched by a constant flux of ideas beyond typical subject boundaries. Pedagogies need to reflect interdisciplinarity, just as the problems and puzzles of the planet do not limit themselves to the confines of disciplinary boundaries. Yet, as there are many possible solutions to a given problem, pedagogical approaches must be selected that also cultivate the values and principles of interdependence and solidarity. Service learning and community engagement soften the walls between classroom and community, challenge students’ assumptions, and connect them with broader systems, processes, and experiences beyond their own experiences…. Service learning has the potential to enlist solidarity as a central principle to problem-solving pedagogies, rather than favouring the solutions which are simply the most expedient or self-interested. (p. 60)
For those of us who have been promoting the SL pedagogy for decades, UNESCO's statement is a welcome validation and an opportunity to continue promoting it even more strongly. Full version: Abstract available here:
● Uniservitate Collection. The first two volumes of the Uniservitate Collection are available in Spanish and English The complete books or individual chapters can be downloaded free:
- Proceedings of the I Global Symposium Uniservitate
- Service-Learning Pedagogy and the Teachings of the Catholic Church
Two new volumes will soon be available: one focuses on the spirituality of service-learning, and the other, on the processes of service-learning institutionalization in Higher Education. We will also publish the Proceedings of the II Global Symposium and the world history of service-learning. Follow us on social media to get the new publications!
● We remind you that you have access to all plenary sessions of the 24th International Service-Learning Conference on YouTube, in Spanish: @clayssdigital; in English: @uniservitate; and in Portuguese: @seminarioclayss. The simultaneous workshops carried out in the zoom sessions are also available for those who could not participate. Don't miss them! You can find many inspiring stories and experiences, projects, works, discussions, etc.
● The presentations of the II Global Symposium Unservitate, developed in October this year, can be found here: To watch again, share and take notes. Enjoy them!
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