Summary of the International Service-Learning Week in Buenos Aires
Once again, CLAYSS held the 20th International Service-Learning Week in Buenos Aires during the last days of August. Here is a summary of each activity and links to all the materials after almost a month of this unique involving 500 educators, researchers and students from 21 countries.
-The VI Service-Learning Reasearcher's Symposium 2023, held at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA, in its Spanish acronym), was the largest of its six editions: there were 208 researchers, professors and students from 22 countries. Further information:
- Meeting of the Ibero-American service-learning network, with more than 40 network representatives from different countries. The event took place in the Leopoldo Marechal Hall, located within the National Ministry of Education. More information [in Spanish]:
- 26th International Service-Learning Conference. More than 480 people from 20 countries attended the free event, which took place at the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA, in its acronym in Spanish) to share their service-learning projects and experiences with colleagues, students, educators and the general public. This year, the Conference centred on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030 agenda) adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a global call to end poverty and protect the planet. During a panel discussion and specially prepared spaces for each goal, participants were able to deeply discuss the importance of each goal and share experiences with colleagues from different regions around the world.
You can find the materials regarding the talks and panels on our website:
Watch the videos of both days here:
- In the context of the International Service-Learning Conference, the Solidarity Youth Meeting brought together around seventy teenagers from different public and private schools in Buenos Aires City and its outskirts and Jujuy province, Argentina, who shared their community-based experiences with university students from Kenya and Tangaza, Africa. Photos on Facebook:
- During two days, the VI Service-Learning in the Arts Meeting, which was a free event celebrated within the framework of the International Service-Learning Conference, brought together specialists in the field which examined the current developments in arts education in Latin America and presented initiatives from Peru, Brazil, Colombia and Argentina. Watch it on our YouTube channel @clayssdigital
- Uniservitate, a network of Catholic universities that seeks to institutionalise service-learning in higher education, organized a meeting which brought together 35 universities worldwide, whose representatives held an enriching exchange of experiences and visited local service-learning projects:
Read the full article about the 20th Service-Learning Week in Buenos Aires on our website: "The education of the future is here: it’s called Service-Learning".
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