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Carmen Llerena, a student from one of CLAYSS training courses, gets support from the EU Programme Erasmus+

Carmen Llerena is a high school teacher in Pisa, Italy, and has always been interested in service-learning. She was keen on the problem of climate change, a key issue across Europe nowadays, so she decided to address it from the SL pedagogy perspective. We talked to her and she told us that she became interested when she discovered that "SL offered us the possibility to transform the community through our actions, engage and raise students’ awareness, reflect and find alternative paths to our lives. So with a fellow project expert, we decided to plan a project that would allow us to train in this pedagogy that we knew only theoretically". A Spanish school, a French one, a German one, a Greek one and a Danish one joined the initial project, and as a team, they established the basis for working under the name "Climate Service-Learning: Schools in Action!". In turn, Carmen began to study "Development of SL projects" one of CLAYSS training courses. This training provided her with tools and knowledge that enable her to detect difficulties and find solutions in her project. The work was submitted to the Erasmus+ Programme and got support during the two-year implementation of the plan, which includes six student meetings and one meeting to train teachers.
