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Talloires Network: supporting Service-Learning work

Opening of nominationsto the MacJannet for Global Citizenship Award 2021

This award, sponsored by the Talloires Network of Engaged Universities and the MacJannet Foundation, has been held annually since 2009 to recognize exceptional student community engagement initiatives withinuniversities from the Network. Prize recipients getfinancial support for their community engagement projects, and the most innovative civic engagement programs are disseminated around the world as examples of promising practices. More information:


Grants for graduate students of OSUN or Engaged Universities of the Talloires Network

The OSUN-TN (Open Society University Network - Talloires Network) is an educational partnership committed to providing a useful and positive response to the global pandemic we are experiencing. The COV-AID (Communities Of Virtual Alliance & Inter-Dependence) Graduate Student Mini-Grants will publicly recognize and support OSUN graduate students or members of the Talloires Network of Engaged Universities who are currently adapting, or trying to adapt, their community engagement efforts to the challenges posed by Covid-19 in their communities. The deadline for applications was 30th November 2020 at 11:59 pm EDT. SixUSD2.500 scholarships will be granted.  More information:
About COV-AID programme:


The Mastercard Foundation and the Talloires Network launch the Next Generation Leaders Program

A new initiative between the Mastercard Foundation and the Talloires Network of Engaged Universities will create a first-of-its-kind virtual community of university student leaders who are committed to civic engagement and social responsibility. 
Next Generation Leaders (NGL) will provide a forum for young people enrolled in universities around the world to reflect on their engagement experiences, learn from each other and present recommendations for future action to a global audience. The application deadline is on 22nd January 2021. More information:
