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Octubre 2020

Service-Learning experiences related to current problems

In CLAYSS, we are collecting SL experiences that are developed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. We invite you...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2020
The 23rd International Service-Learning Conference concluded

With a record of nearly 3,000 subscriptions from 60 countries, we celebrated the 23th edition of the ...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2020
Official launching of the UNISERVITATE Programme

The official launching of the UNISERVITATE Programme took place during the XVII International Service-Learning Week....

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2020
The National Solidarity Education Program Team of the National Ministry

The Team met with the evaluators for the First Regional Service-Learning...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2020
Publications and resources

We remind you that all the material of the 23rd International Service-Learning Conference, as well as the videos of the meetings, are now...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2020
The XXIV Meeting of the Ibero-American Network was held in the context of the International Service-Learning Week

On Tuesday, 25th August, before the Conference opening, the traditional meeting of the ...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2020
Carmen Llerena, a student from one of CLAYSS training courses, gets support from the EU Programme Erasmus+

Carmen Llerena is a high school teacher in Pisa, Italy, and has always been interested in service-learning. She was keen on the problem of climate...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2020

In this section, we collected those calls we believe of interest to our colleagues and friends.
•    I Latin-American Photography Contest...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2020