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Octubre 2021

II Global Symposium Uniservitate "Service-learning, integral education and transformative spirituality"

On 28th and 29th October 2021, we celebrate this event, bringing together specialists and audiences from all over the...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
Online Support to Institutions (AVI) 2021

On 17th September, CLAYSS Support Programme for Solidarity Educational Institutions "Service-Learning in the Arts"...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
More than 70 submissions for the Regional Award for Successful Service-Learning Practices in Central and Eastern Europe

The Regional Award for Successful Service-Learning Practices in Central and Eastern Europe received 73 submissions from...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
Peruvian students from Horizontes-UNESCO Programme work on the environmental care

All students from the Virgen Asunción de Pilipinto School (Cusco, Peru) participate in an SL experience to cut down on waste from their town...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
Colombia celebrates the National Network Meeting 2021 hosted by EDUCAPAZ

The National Education for Peace Programme, EDUCAPAZ, a local initiative promoted by Colombian civil society...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
The service-learning week brought together five universities from Africa

On 8th, 9th and 10th September, the "Service-learning week" was hosted by Tangaza University (Kenya), the regional hub...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
Service-Learning experiences related to current problems

In CLAYSS, we collect service-learning experiences during the pandemic in one single place. If you are developing or...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
CLAYSS team continues to offer webinars and online conferences during pandemic times

Service-Learning continues spreading—more than ever—as a source of inspiration and transformation. CLAYSS continues...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
CLAYSS Uruguay announces the 9th Edition of the Solidarity Education Contest

From 1st October to 5th November: open call for the Solidarity Education Contest 2021. It is hosted by CLAYSS Uruguay...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
Online Support to Institutions (AVI) in Uruguay

During 2020 and in the context of a health emergency, CLAYSS Uruguay developed a series of distance-modality strategies...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
Uruguay Headquarters launched the Support Programme in INISA (National Institute for Social Inclusion of Adolescents)

On 31st August, CLAYSS Uruguay team introduced the proposal for training and support to Service-Learning centres for...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
CLAYSS Uruguay and the Global Learning Network held the first inter-institutional and territorial articulation meeting

On 13th August, the advisors from the Global Learning Network and tutors from CLAYSS Uruguay met to work and exchange...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
Solidarity Youths: Projects do not stop during the pandemic

A project to help people with visual disabilities.
The project was suggested by 6-year students of the...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
The European Association organized the 4th European Conference on Service-Learning in Higher Education

On 16th and 17th September in Bucharest, Romania, the European Association for Service-Learning in Higher Education...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
The Chilean Network held its 9th National Conference

On 14th October, the 9th National Service-Learning Conference was held in Chile, under the title "Desafíos de A+S para...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
CLAYSS in the IARSLCE 2021 Virtual Gathering

On 15th and 17th November, The International Association of Researchers on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021

Upcoming CLAYSS activities:

●    II Global Symposium Uniservitate. "Service-learning, integral education and transformative...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021

In this section, we collected those calls we believe of interest to our colleagues and friends.

-    ...

Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021
Publications and Resources

Pedagogía de la acción común [Pedagogy of the common action], Josep M. Puig Rovira. Graó, 2021


Boletín CLAYSSOctubre 2021