Latest issue available! RIDAS. Iberian-American Service Learning Journal. Published in late December, this issue pays tribute to professor and researcher Laura Rubio, one of the main promoters of the journal, who died last year. It includes testimonials from those who knew her and several papers addressing issues on which Laura had worked in particular. It is available in Spanish, English and Catalan. To read and/or download it, please click here.
CLAYSS publications and resources are always available here.
We remind you that you have available the Guía para desarrollar proyectos de aprendizaje-servicio solidario - Edición 20° aniversario CLAYSS, [Handbook to develop service-learning projects. CLAYSS 20th-anniversary edition], revisited by its author, María Nieves Tapia. Free access or download:
Uniservitate Collection: New release!
Spirituality and Higher Education: Perspectives from Service-Learning, Various authors. An opportunity for reflection on the identity and mission of Higher Education. Available here.
Full Uniservitate Collection
In Spanish
In English
The Uniservitate Repository contains theoretical and practical resources on service-learning and its spiritual dimension in higher education from a multicultural perspective. Here you have free access to download different resources - texts, images, and videos:
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